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Une marque employeur Ă votre image
Entre les pages de ce ebook, vous découvrirez certains de nos secrets pour une stratégie de marketing RH forte, de l’élaboration de personas employés au lancement d’une campagne de recrutement créative.
Mon site web chez le psy
StĂ©phanie Kennan’s book lifts the veil on 50 best web practices for SME managers.
“Mon site web chez le psy” presents realistic, affordable solutions tailored to small and medium businesses to build their online brand awareness and visibility. Learn how to develop winning internet strategies with this initiatory work of 50 questions and answers.
Understanding the Web in a business context
- Your website in all its facets (ergonomics, navigation, experience, content, optimization…)
- SEO is an absolute must (Google first page, keywords, link building …)
- Tools and technologies (CMS, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Google Analytics, mobile site, domain names…)
- From the online directory to Web 2.0 (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Foursquare and social geolocation, blog…)
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What the media are saying
Une « psychothérapie » for your website In a simple, clear question/answer format, she answers common questions asked by managers of small businesses and organizations about their websites.Josianne Massé,
StĂ©phanie Kennan : “For SMEs, the web is the medium of choice” « This little book demystifies web marketing and answers frequently asked questions about issues related to websites.» Marine Thomas,  Premières en affaires
Invest in the web … intelligently!“Mon site web chez le psy” is a list of FAQs, a reflection on the role of a website or blog, on the efforts of entrepreneurs to meet their needs before paying attention to a constantly evolving market.Patrick Voyer, Â
The website from every angle Presented in the form of 50 questions and answers “Mon site web chez le psy” covers in concise manner various web-related issues.Iris Gagnon-Paradis,  La presse
Stéphanie Kennan wants to demystify website-related issues A quick flip through this book and you will discover dozens of questions that people ask along with concise and complete answers to them. Pierre Vigneault,  Le magasine île des soeurs
“Mon site web chez le psy” Stephanie Kennan presents a book that every website owner or manager should have on hand. Leader, la revue des DG de caisses Desjardins, ADGC mĂ©dia
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