This is Normand.
You find him very friendly.

Unfortunately, the baby boomers that you’re familiar with are less numerous at the office (they’re on the golf course).
Suddenly, you have to start all over again.

Meet Samuel
He is not attached to your organization (he probably never heard of it), but you must win him over to gain or retain his confidence.

We all know that B2B and B2C are different but saying so isn’t enough…
In order to continue being successful, you must be able to win over a new generation of buyers, influencers and decision makers.
We can help you get there!

Why Trust Bang Marketing…
For the Bang team, B2B, B2B2C and B2C2B are more than acronyms! We apply a sound methodology based on 4 fundamental pillars.
The personas
To appeal to your potential customers, it is necessary to know their motivations, frustrations and expectations. What keeps your target-clientele from sleeping at night?
Our value proposition
In marketing, we specialize in making promises … but not just any promises! A value proposition is a unique solution to a specific problem.
There was a time when image was not part of B2B marketing priorities. Today, with the competition an easy click away, your credibility needs a strong brand image.
Web presence
The boundary between virtual and real no longer exists. If you are invisible on the Internet, you are simply invisible. Maintaining a strong web presence is an ongoing mission.